Search Results
Code | Description | Surname | Business | Location | Scope and Content |
PLIC/1/0007 | Mrs Catherine Austin, 35 Fairview Strand, Dublin. | Austin | British and Irish Steam Packet Company Limited | Fairview Strand; Sir John Rogerson's Quay | Claim for £72 15s for looting of goods from the stores of the British and Irish Steam Packet Company Limited, Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin. Payment of £30 recommended by Committee. |
PLIC/1/0040 | British and Irish Steam Packet Company Limited, 25 Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin. | British and Irish Steam Packet Company Limited | Sir John Rogerson's Quay | Claim for £785 1s 7d for property and goods destroyed or looted by rioters at Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin. Payment of £785 1s 7d recommended by Committee. | |
PLIC/1/0668 | Catherine Charlotte Stopford, Dunardagh, Blackrock, Dublin. | Stopford | British and Irish Steam Packet Company Limited | Blackrock; Sir John Rogerson's Quay | Claim for £10 for damage to 2 trunks containing books and dresses looted from the stores of the British and Irish Steam Packet Company Limited, Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin. Full payment recommended by Committee. |
PLIC/1/0751 | Russell FC Bowsher, New Inn, East Coker, Yeovil, Somerset, England. | Bowsher | British and Irish Steam Packet Company Limited | New Inn; East Coker; Yeovil; Somerset; England; Sir John Rogerson's Quay | Claim for £139 16s 9d for goods looted from the stores of the British and Irish Steam Packet Company Limited, Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin. Payment of £115 recommended by Committee. |
PLIC/1/0805 | Richard John Dale, The Rectory, Newcastle, Hazelhatch, County Dublin. | Dale | British and Irish Steam Packet Company Limited | Hazelhatch; Sir John Rogerson's Quay | Claim for £293 17s for damage to furniture and household effects looted from British and Irish Steam Packet Company Limited store, Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin. Payment of £280 recommended by Committee. |
PLIC/1/0905 | AJ Lalor, 14 Ormond Quay Lower, Dublin. | Lalor | British and Irish Steam Packet Company Limited | Ormond Quay Lower; Sir John Rogerson's Quay | Claim for £9 12s 10d for goods looted from the stores of the British and Irish Steam Packet Company Limited, Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin. Full payment recommended by Committee. |
PLIC/1/1093 | Edward Garrick, 36 Talbot Street, Dublin. | Garrick | British and Irish Steam Packet Company Limited | Talbot Street; Sir John Rogerson's Quay | Claim for £10 9s for one case of boots looted from the stores of the British and Irish Steam Packet Company Limited, Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin. Full payment recommended by Committee. |
PLIC/1/1157 | Davey and Company, 88 West India Dock Road, London, England. | British and Irish Steam Packet Company Limited | West India Dock Road; London; England; Sir John Rogerson's Quay | Claim for £1 12s for good destroyed at the stores of the British and Irish Steam Packet Company Limited, 25 Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin. Declined by Committee as insurance company was deemed liable. | |
PLIC/1/1492 | Joseph E Mills, 8 Merrion Row, Dublin. | Mills | British and Irish Steam Packet Company Limited | Merrion Row; North Wall; Cabra | Claim for £86 15s 5d for damage to stock-in-trade at Cabra and the stores of the British and Irish Steam Packet Company Limited, North Wall, Dublin. Payment of £76 8s 11d recommended by Committee. |
PLIC/1/1560 | British and Irish Steam Packet Company Limited, 25-27 Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin. | British and Irish Steam Packet Company Limited | Sir John Rogerson's Quay | Claim for £500 for the appropriation and use of their vessel 'SS Lady Wimborne' by Crown forces. Application declined by Committee. |